Action Alert for Florida Residents: Call and Write to Oppose Senate Bill 234

[ – 2/11/21]

On Monday, February 15, 2021, the Florida Senate Judiciary committee will consider Senate Bill 234. It is item number 3 on their agenda.

Among other things, this bill introduced by Senator Lauren Book would change the definition of “day” to mean part of any calendar day. Therefore, as written, anywhere you are physically present 4 or more times a year would technically have to be registered within 48 hours.

Visit your parent’s home once a week for dinner? Play cards at a friend’s house once a month? Stop in for coffee at a neighbors’ once every few weeks? Use the same barber?… You’d be registering them all.

Read the full details on the FAC website


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If this passes, if I were one of the registered citizens living near her, I’d simply visit her home and stand outside of it on the street for a minute 4 times, and then register her address. That’s what this law requires, right?

Does this bitch have any other purpose on Earth besides thinking up these moronic bills.
How about a Florida registrant go and park in front of her house multiple times a week. Then her address will have to be registered. Let the snake she let loose go and bite her in her own fat ass!

If every registrant registers everywhere they regularly go–everywhere–the log jam of paper work would overwhelm the system.

But people who have multiple DUI’s like her father, people who cause accidents because they are so intoxicated they can’t drive, like her father, aren’t really an issue for her for some reason, even though drunk drivers kill and maim 1000x times more children in one year than all the SO combined since records were kept.

We really could brake the system if we fought back with tactics like that there’s alot of people convicted of sex crimes in Florida there’s no way they could register that many people every day

I was shunned when I stated Florida needs to make Senator Book irrelevant; while FAC ripped me a new one. Florida deserves the bull crap.

After what happened with the FBI recently, if this bill passes this is just the kind of thing that’s going to lead to more injured police officers.

I wonder if having rallies in Tally would be an option by killing two birds with one stone. Protesting against Florida’s registration laws; while registering the Florida capital seeing how they like having their address on the hit list. After all they do more harm to Florida communities than the majority of registrants.

Janice and team are greatful to the person who show up, speak up, and stand up to oppose or support bills in California. I’m sure they would like more people to get involved; yet not everyone wants to be a shirtless dancer testifying to legislators.

So if you have to go to your local sheriffs office to register more addresses more than 4 times in a year, wouldn’t you need to register the address of the registration office? I’m guessing that they really didn’t think this through….

I almost feel sorry for her (not). She seems to be the most miserable person on earth. I wonder what happened to her to make her so bitter. She is on a mission. Didn’t she just lose a lawsuit against her? Why on earth would she want to keep being in the public eye. She needs a hobby. Maybe running or biking would lift her spirits…